Chateau Moulin du Cadet vintages in a row
left to right 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
The wine dinner was held at 1930 La Salon Landis Taipei Hotel.  

一場垂直年份的品酒餐會, 一款百分百的梅洛, 讓原本不太喜愛該品種的我, 對它完全改觀!
The Chateau is being classified as one of the 57 Grand Crus in St. Emilion Right Bank Bordeaux. Since 1966 it was owned by the wine dinner host Mr. Pierre Blois Moueix's family. One of my favorite winemaker Christian Moueix is their cousin. This winery only plants Merlot, i.e. I will be tasting 100% Merlot all night long. Honestly, it is not my favorite red wine, however, Moulin du Cadet's Merlot surprised me at the end.   

亞都麗緻的1930巴黎廳一直是許多達官貴人必訪的台北高級法式餐廳, 整場餐會就是由他們提供服務。
酒畢竟是整晚的主角, 所以相較之下, 菜色就恰到其分。淡紫色的鴨肝慕斯香香的, 但我並沒有太喜歡。白色花椰菜泥的獨特味道很有創意, 還蠻好吃的。煎鮭魚okay囉, 就那樣沒太多不合乎該有樣子的點可挑剔。主菜菲力肉質好嫩好嫩, 佐伴那香到讓我想到義大利吃松露燉飯的松露味, 讚!讚!讚!  OF Course, 再配上我最愛的2003 vintage, I felt like being flattered.

Right to Left starts with vintage 2009 then 2008 and 2007. 

Tasting note:
Pierre described 2009 is a fruity powerful vintage and it is still young. To me, it is the first impression of Chateau Moulin du Cadet. Dark ruby red color, powerful spice like sweet liquorice aroma punched on my nose, then followed red berries. tasted medium towards full body, smooth tannin, easy drinking. well polished Merlot.  對我來說, 它就是梅洛, 還不錯的梅洛, 但是太甜美且太香了, 我無法負荷。

Pierre said 2008 is an elegant firm wine. I agreed! Ruby red color, spice like pepper aroma at the front, then light red berries bloomed. medium body round tannin but still got beautiful acidity, well balanced. 香氣上同樣是一開始有股濃厚的辛香料香, 但口感上就全然不同, 這個年份真的就像莊主說的, 是細膩高貴型的, 整個尾韻就平衡, 沒太多需要加飾的不完美! 就是好啊!

2007 has mint touch per Pierre. To me, this vintage has not much to talk, not so memorable. Light ruby red color, spice like clove, special soil aroma "if this is identified as its special character" light red berries, medium body, but bitter end. 第三杯2007同樣一開始撲鼻而來是辛香料香, 逐漸才綻放淡淡的紅色漿果香, 比較特殊的是這一杯有"土味", 可惜的是尾韻有點苦。在我整體印象中, 它是最不討喜的。

2006 vintage was the most interesting one. dark red color, very close aroma, waited a bit later violet and dark berreis opened up slowly. it tasted medium body, light liquorice end. balanced too. Pierre suggested to open it half day in advance or you need to wait a long time.  
這一支一開始就悶悶的, 完全不像我印象中梅洛的樣子, 是我喜歡上的第二個年份。紫羅蘭的花香還有深色漿果香讓我完全感受不到梅洛風味。
2005 is a big vintage, however, not to me. dark bright ruby red, red berries, a bit spice like pepper aroma, medium body with good acidity and balance. 這個波爾多的超級年份對我來說沒有太多可期待, 不過這一杯倒是有個特殊的香氣 "小朋友用硬細吸管吹泡泡的那個樹膠味"

漸入佳境的美味  2003 vintage had lots sun per Pierre
dark red, aroma was very close at the beginning too. later it showed animal skin with no bloody smell, stem and soils. then plum, unlike the Merlot i expected. if it came out in blind tasting, i definately would failed. tasted medium plus body, good acidity and well balanced, round end. 哇! 就是它讓我一整個驚豔! 沒想到梅洛也可以這般有味道!  開始悶, 逐漸有沒有血腥的動物毛皮味, 也有梗還有土味, 口感架構就是扎實, 單寧細膩, 平衡且尾韻回甘。

整場品飲下來, 我歸納出兩個大類別 03 06 08 是比較典型法國味的酒, 05 07 09在風格上比較接近, 我不禁懷疑為何100%梅洛能夠展現如此多面貌?!  Pierre 回答, 因為Chateau Moulin du Cadet的葡萄園土壤60% limestone (石灰岩) 20% clay (梅洛住得最舒服的黏土土壤) 20% sandy clay (混合砂石的黏土)。

a ha.... 原來如此呀! 我不禁想著, 不知道其它聖艾美濃的頂級梅洛又是什麼樣的味道.......?! 
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