目前分類:酒鄉觀光 WINE TOURs (21)

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如果, 旅行就是到處走走看看, 體驗不一樣的生活方式與文化, 那麼你會想要走到哪? 看什麼?如果, 你也是一個人, 來<跟義大利談場戀愛>吧!


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Agriturismo = 義大利文的 Agriculture + Tourism (農業休閒觀光)Agriturismo ㄧ興起於1980年代的義大利名詞. 時光回朔到1950-1970年間的義大利, 有許多小規模的農莊因為賺不到錢, 這些農家人紛紛拋棄農場到大城鎮謀生. 但義大利人相當重視傳統及少量生產的食品, 因此義大利政府在1985年設立了Agriturismo法令, 也就是結合農莊與觀光休閒, 讓農莊度假成為一種合法可經營的生意; 一方面讓小農家們可以透過開放農場住宿及提供伙食, 甚至部分農事活動的參與, 經營農場的同時獲得額外營收維生, 也讓許多人可以藉由到農莊度假體驗鄉村式的生活. 


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Prosecco是一種義大利的葡萄品種, 也是一款義大利的氣泡酒. 它的生產範圍非常廣大, 包含義大利東北邊的Veneto及Friuli Venezia Giulia地區....  


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This is a breathtaking land, my deja vous. 

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Untitled  What do you do when you travel? 

你旅行的時候都會做什麼呢?我最常做的一件事, 就是走路. 不管是蹓躂, 散步, 還是健行, 反正我就是以<苦行僧>精神, 發揮<走到底>的耐力. 


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Italy is such a giant and a rich land. Every little village or region is so diverse and different from one another. Langhe, the famous wine region in Piedmont, north west of Italy, is a stunning area as the god spread some seeds and spilled green paint.


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BELLINI Prosecco, Nicoletta, Harry's Bar, Hotel Monaco&Grand Canal, Ca'NigraLagoon Resort, Regata Storica, and 2nd September.  

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什麼是Grappa?  我所認知且直接了當的答案是 -  義大利的白蘭地.  

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This name... took me a click to find and few seconds to decide 

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If you know Super Tuscan, if you have heard of Bolgheri, you must not to miss Suverto.....a hidden betauty in between the Toscana rolling hills and its coastlines. This is again a small but charming medieval village like many others in Toscana. However, you never know until you see it yourself then you tell me! Thanks to Giovanni in Enoteca Italia and Alessandro a passinate oenologist of Bulichella, Here I will lead you to my day in Bulichella ~ 

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經過三天充實的酒莊採收季生活後, 滿心期待著Fabio安排的巴巴瑞絲可行程. 早上十一點, Rivetto莊園門口來了輛黑色的愛快羅密歐, 正是專程到巴洛洛來接我的Fabrizio ..

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參觀完巴洛洛葡萄酒博物館以及開瓶器收藏館, 漫步在巴洛洛小鎮街道上, 一台非常醒目的小卡車吸引了我, 走進這間酒莊的酒窖...

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我稱他們為 a gate to Soave

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Trenitalia is not bad..because I have lots memories with my happiness and madness about it.  

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Look up and try to find M   抬頭找尋另一個M

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Traveling for a long period of time, more than a week, I certainly have to do some laundries. First, at the Bed and Breakfast it is easier as you only need to pay and hand in your dirty cloths in a bag. Other than that, I do not worry much as there must be plenty automatic laundries in Italy..... Well, even though it seems "that simple", I learned !!!  超過一個月多幾天的義大利行, 基本上這天數已經超出一周份的換衣量, 我不免得要洗衣服啦....心裡盤算著, 反正義大利又不會沒有自助洗衣店.......但, 我花$學怎麼洗衣服, 沒想到吧! 

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先在米蘭S. Babila地鐵站, 轉換73路公車到Linate機場

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Castello di Montauto is the private property I am staying as a guest alone in San Gimignano. 

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對我來說, 義大利不只是個融合美食. 時尚. 歷史. 建築. 藝術. 人文的國度, 更是葡萄酒天堂!

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