It was simply a thought coming up on the way from Seattle into Washington Wine regions, in that four hour long bus tour. The scenery, the rain, the quietness and the straight highway allowed me to stay so close to my mind. At that moment, a thought of writing down 2011 Washington State Wine Experience to share with everyone who deeply loves wines was just like a flashlight breaking into the dark, I wanted to do it. I have not had a clue how it should layout, but it definitely is a must-do, a promise to myself!
跨越Cascade山脈, 前進華盛頓酒鄉的旅途中……
三個小時的車程不長不短, 但坐在巴士上, 除了看著窗外景緻發呆, 和同行友人聊聊天, 聽著司機播放的音樂,睡著又醒來外,就剩下自己天馬行空的遐想了! 而正因為心頭能如此空閒地胡思亂想, 讓我認真看待起『把這段旅程寫下來與大家分享』的這件事!
Do you want to know who they are?
what Corliss is?
what they were doing?
or where this beautiful place is ?
Stay close with my "2011 Washington State Wine Experience"
what Corliss is?
what they were doing?
or where this beautiful place is ?
Stay close with my "2011 Washington State Wine Experience"