Nine bottles, 2 whites and 7 reds, from north to South Italy.
six lady team and a guy.
The tasting begins.......
一場因為要試酒而產生的品酒餐會, 六個女人與一神秘嘉賓的晚餐有約, 九瓶從北到南的義大利酒, 吃到很撐的肚子。我還是有寫品飲筆記喔~
L: Zaccagnini Bianco di Ciccio 2010 R: Marabino Eureka Chardonnay 2009
Zaccagnini is from Abruzzo, its 80% Trebbiano + 20% Chardonnay.
Marabino is100% Chardonnay from Sicilia, part of it went oak aging.
Marabino is100% Chardonnay from Sicilia, part of it went oak aging.
Tasting notes
Z : bright golden yellow, fresh light fruits, light to medium body, easy drinking, end is too short to describ more. After 2 hours (at least, after I finished my main course), it surprised me completely. Wildly open white apricot round elegant aroma, in the mouth it gets rounder and more body. still has acitity.
R: smoky front, pineapple, fruiter than Z. Wine body is medium, higher acidity, suitable for food pairing. Unfortunately, it is not my favor style of Chardonnay. Moreover, it changes very little. Perhaps I am wrong, but that was written in my notes.
兩款開場的白酒, 一支是義大利中部的混調, 一支是西西里島的單一夏多內, 兩種迥然不同的風貌, 一支適合單喝, 一支佐餐會較好。我個人偏愛第一支, 因為它比較耐喝, 後來的變化還讓我頗驚豔。相較之下, 西西里島的夏多內, 雖然有明顯的酸度, 也有典型的夏多內果香及桶味, 但儘管在這盛夏吹著冷氣喝, 它還是讓我覺得好熱! 我想西西里島應該熱爆了吧!
Left to Right
Colterenzio Pinot Nero 2009 from Alto Adige. Bera Barbera d'Asti 2008 from Piedmont.
Zenato Valpolicella 2008 from Veneto
Tasting notes
Pinot Nero: light ruby red, open red cherry, spice aromas. light body, mellow acidity, smooth texture, its very similar to a bottle of good Bourgogne. Easy to approach and be enjoyed! I like the feeling.
Barbera d'Ala: dark purple red, violet, matured red and dark berries, red currents. Medium plus body, silky tannin, round texture and well balanced. Good price too!
Valpolicella: Dark purple red, animal skin, pencil shavings, dark matured fruits, dry plums. very interesting aromas. Medium plus body, round tannin, well balanced. end up with liquorice sweet lingering.
喝完了白酒, 緊接著從市場上比較少見的義大利北邊產區Alto Adige開始, 這款黑皮諾的紅酒不知不覺讓人家喜歡,就像不需要討人歡心, 外表看得順眼的小孩子。淡朱紅色的外觀加上奔放的紅櫻桃香, 輕盈卻不失焦點的酒體, 讓我想起了好喝又不貴的一般布根地。巴貝拉阿爸Barbera d'Alba我不常喝, 但偏偏有喝過的幾支, 都讓覺得這品種不賴。
第一回合的三支Valpolicella, 是品飲名單紅酒中我最推薦的BEST BUY酒款。價廉物美, 加上酒質很有陳年潛力, 所以絕對要推推推.......推! 哈哈。深紫色的外觀, 一開始就是一般人不太能接受的『動物毛皮』味(這支不血腥喔) 還有鉛筆削香以及成熟深色果香, 漸漸伴隨著梅子乾的香氣。 不過, 入口並沒有想像中的那般可怕, 反倒有中等飽滿的酒體, 酒質滑順單寧圓細, 尾韻是甘口型的甜美, 隱約有甘草香。
Pinot Nero: light ruby red, open red cherry, spice aromas. light body, mellow acidity, smooth texture, its very similar to a bottle of good Bourgogne. Easy to approach and be enjoyed! I like the feeling.
Barbera d'Ala: dark purple red, violet, matured red and dark berries, red currents. Medium plus body, silky tannin, round texture and well balanced. Good price too!
Valpolicella: Dark purple red, animal skin, pencil shavings, dark matured fruits, dry plums. very interesting aromas. Medium plus body, round tannin, well balanced. end up with liquorice sweet lingering.
喝完了白酒, 緊接著從市場上比較少見的義大利北邊產區Alto Adige開始, 這款黑皮諾的紅酒不知不覺讓人家喜歡,就像不需要討人歡心, 外表看得順眼的小孩子。淡朱紅色的外觀加上奔放的紅櫻桃香, 輕盈卻不失焦點的酒體, 讓我想起了好喝又不貴的一般布根地。巴貝拉阿爸Barbera d'Alba我不常喝, 但偏偏有喝過的幾支, 都讓覺得這品種不賴。
第一回合的三支Valpolicella, 是品飲名單紅酒中我最推薦的BEST BUY酒款。價廉物美, 加上酒質很有陳年潛力, 所以絕對要推推推.......推! 哈哈。深紫色的外觀, 一開始就是一般人不太能接受的『動物毛皮』味(這支不血腥喔) 還有鉛筆削香以及成熟深色果香, 漸漸伴隨著梅子乾的香氣。 不過, 入口並沒有想像中的那般可怕, 反倒有中等飽滿的酒體, 酒質滑順單寧圓細, 尾韻是甘口型的甜美, 隱約有甘草香。
Left to Right, last 4 bottles, go further deeper and heavier.
Marabino Nero d'Avola 2008 from Sicilia.
Umani Ronchi San Lorenzo 2007 + Umani Ronchi Jorio Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 2008 from Marche.
Zaccagnini Montepulciano Tralcetto d'Abruzzo from Abruzzo.
Tasting Note
Nero d'Avola: dark red ruby red, red berries, spice aroma. dry red plum. In the mouth, it is smooth round and very pleasant. an elegant sunshine red. after approximately an hour, in my glass, it has got the animal smell...weird!
San Lorenzo: dark purple red, matured dark red berries, not fresh ground pepper. Full body, plum, end sweet and beautiful acidity. still got potential for aging! what a great price for a bottle of wine like this.
Jorio: very dark purple red, very close at the beginning as expected, then after a while, plum, animal skin, dark berries spread out. full body, silky tannin, end up with dry plum and good acidity and balanced. Need aging, but drinkable now and try to decant if you want to explore more out of it.
Zaccagnini Montepulciano Tralcetto d'Abruzzo: dark red, stewed vege, clove smells. medium body, smooth round tannin, sweet end. I mant it. sweet. Not my favor.
I would make the sequence change and move the last bottle right after Nero d'Avola. Those wines retailed under 32USDs, and surpringly all very good quality for that price range.
最後幾支循序漸進般地進入重金屬搖滾樂裡, 不沉悶且很熱血。yoho~ 首先登場的是西西里島的特有Nero d'Avola, 它是支優雅的西西里紳士, 讓人覺得很舒服, 沒有侵略性, 讓我叫出甘的紅酸梅香氣, 真是特別! 只是價格相較一般的同酒款高許多, 這支得再找時間上網認識一下!
接下來幾支都是義大利中部的酒, 都是 Montepulciano, 其中Jorio是整場最悶的, 但為了拿來與San Lorenzo相比較, 還是把它開來試試。都不錯, 只是一個需要時間, 一個不需要太多時間, 把醒酒器用在Jorio身上, 可以快一些囉!
整晚喝下來, 酒質都還不錯, 沒有不好, 但要說有哪支很好嗎? 好像都差不多咧! 是好到沒得挑剔嗎? oh lala...... 這些酒的市價都不超過一千, 想要喝就去買來試試看囉!
Nero d'Avola: dark red ruby red, red berries, spice aroma. dry red plum. In the mouth, it is smooth round and very pleasant. an elegant sunshine red. after approximately an hour, in my glass, it has got the animal smell...weird!
San Lorenzo: dark purple red, matured dark red berries, not fresh ground pepper. Full body, plum, end sweet and beautiful acidity. still got potential for aging! what a great price for a bottle of wine like this.
Jorio: very dark purple red, very close at the beginning as expected, then after a while, plum, animal skin, dark berries spread out. full body, silky tannin, end up with dry plum and good acidity and balanced. Need aging, but drinkable now and try to decant if you want to explore more out of it.
Zaccagnini Montepulciano Tralcetto d'Abruzzo: dark red, stewed vege, clove smells. medium body, smooth round tannin, sweet end. I mant it. sweet. Not my favor.
I would make the sequence change and move the last bottle right after Nero d'Avola. Those wines retailed under 32USDs, and surpringly all very good quality for that price range.
最後幾支循序漸進般地進入重金屬搖滾樂裡, 不沉悶且很熱血。yoho~ 首先登場的是西西里島的特有Nero d'Avola, 它是支優雅的西西里紳士, 讓人覺得很舒服, 沒有侵略性, 讓我叫出甘的紅酸梅香氣, 真是特別! 只是價格相較一般的同酒款高許多, 這支得再找時間上網認識一下!
接下來幾支都是義大利中部的酒, 都是 Montepulciano, 其中Jorio是整場最悶的, 但為了拿來與San Lorenzo相比較, 還是把它開來試試。都不錯, 只是一個需要時間, 一個不需要太多時間, 把醒酒器用在Jorio身上, 可以快一些囉!
整晚喝下來, 酒質都還不錯, 沒有不好, 但要說有哪支很好嗎? 好像都差不多咧! 是好到沒得挑剔嗎? oh lala...... 這些酒的市價都不超過一千, 想要喝就去買來試試看囉!